“It is through the simple story of the loss of a loved one, my father, that the collapse of Venezuela, my patria, is revealed to me.”
In 2020, artist Oleñka Carrasco learns from a video call that her father has died. She lives in France, he lived in Venezuela.
In Patria, Oleñka Carrasco mourns from a distance. The mourning of a loved one and the mourning of a country, which emerge from her intimate experience and practice, combining multiple archives, altered photographs and furious, overflowing poetry.
The form and narrative of this book abound with exutatory ideas in the face of loss, and offer a response to the fragile memory of loved ones and places.
Schoolgirl sewing
21 x 29.7 cm
Art direction: Yann Linsart / The viewer studio
available at the bookstore