All Le feuilletage La place des images Grands entretiens Guided tours

Wednesday June 26, 2024

Le feuilletage

Le Feuilletage #6 | Images à la Sauvette by Henri Cartier-Bresson presented by Clément Chéroux

Conversation with Clément Chéroux  about Henri Cartier-Bresson’s Images à la Sauvette (The Decisive Moment) Wednesday, June 26 at 7 p.m.…

Thursday May 16, 2024

Le feuilletage

Le Feuilletage #5 | Rahim Fortune

Conversation with Rahim Fortune about his latest book Hardtack (Loose Joints, 2024). Thursday, May 16, at 7 p.m. Flour, water,…

Thursday November 9, 2023

Le feuilletage

Le Feuilletage #3 | Raymond Meeks and George Weld

On the occasion of Paris Photo and as a prelude to the monographic exhibition which will take place at the…

Wednesday September 20, 2023

Le feuilletageRendez-vous du livre

Le Feuilletage #2 – Carolyn Drake [online]

On the occasion of the opening of Carolyn Drake’s exhibition MEN UNTITLED at the Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson, the artist has…

Saturday June 3, 2023

Le feuilletageRendez-vous du livre

Le Feuilletage #1 | Vasantha Yogananthan

The Fondation HCB inaugurates a new format of talks entitled Le Feuilletage with Vasantha Yogananthan, whose latest series Mystery Street is currently…