Catalogue officiel de l’exposition Kin de Pieter Hugo présentée à la Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson, Paris, du 4 janvier au 10 avril 2015.
« ‘Kin’ tente d’évaluer le fossé qui sépare les idéaux d’une société et sa réalité. »
Pieter Hugo
Pieter Hugo has garnered critical acclaim for his series of portraits and landscapes, each of which explore a facet of his native South Africa and neighboring African countries, including the film sets of Nigeria’s Nollywood, toxic garbage dumps in Ghana, and sites of mass executions in Rwanda, as well as albinos, the Hyena Men of Nigeria, honey collectors, and garbage scavengers. Kin, a collection of images shot over the past decade, focuses instead on the photographer’s family, his community, and himself.
by Pieter Hugo
Foreword by Pieter Hugo
Texts by Ben Okri
29,9 x 23,5 cm
80 photographs
Available in English only / Disponible en version anglaise uniquement
Pour plus d’informations sur l’exposition « Kin » de Pieter Hugo
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